

He settled
وَهُوَ بِالْأُفُقِ الْأَعْلَىٰ
while he was on the highest horizon.
ثُمَّ دَنَا فَتَدَلَّىٰ
Then he drew nearer and nearer
فَكَانَ قَابَ قَوْسَيْنِ أَوْ أَدْنَىٰ
until he was within two bows’ length or even nearer,
فَأَوْحَىٰ إِلَىٰ عَبْدِهِ مَا أَوْحَىٰ
whereupon He revealed to His servant what it was that He revealed.
مَا كَذَبَ الْفُؤَادُ مَا رَأَىٰ
The heart did not deny what it saw.
أَفَتُمَارُونَهُ عَلَىٰ مَا يَرَىٰ
Will you then dispute with him about what he saw?
وَلَقَدْ رَآهُ نَزْلَةً أُخْرَىٰ
Certainly he saw it yet another time,
عِنْدَ سِدْرَةِ الْمُنْتَهَىٰ
by the Lote Tree of the Ultimate Boundary,
عِنْدَهَا جَنَّةُ الْمَأْوَىٰ
near which is the Garden of the Abode,
إِذْ يَغْشَى السِّدْرَةَ مَا يَغْشَىٰ
when there covered the Lote Tree what covered it.
– al-Qurʾān 53:6-16

Shiʿi scholars, both past and present, have studied and elaborated on the teachings of the Prophet and his noble family, in hopes of attaining Divine succor and guidance for themselves as well as their community. It is this Divine succor that we need most in our own trying times, a Grace that can, on the one hand, rekindle a deep connection with the Imams and the larger Islamic tradition, and on the other, unravel many of the spiritual problems that have emerged as a result of this connection being severed. Published by the Ahl al-Bayt Islamic Seminary, al-Sidrah is a journal that aims to present a nuanced view of this spiritual and intellectual legacy of Shiʿi Islam, and to apply its teachings to contemporary problems facing the Shiʿi community.

In light of the above, al-Sidrah journal aspires:

1) To present a holistic view of the Shiʿi Islamic tradition insofar as it reflects the lives and teachings of the Prophet and his Ahl al-Bayt. It aims to bring forth all the various dimensions of this tradition, from the spiritual to the intellectual, the theological to the linguistic, the legal to the ethical. In an attempt to realize all these various dimensions, the journal seeks to create a platform where scholars with varying intellectual training can shed light on one aspect or another of this profound tradition for a general audience;

2) To address some of the contemporary concerns that currently, or in the future, will be relevant to our community. Some of these problems are very new. Others, we have seen time and again. Yet through the grace of the Divine, the principles taught by the Ahl al-Bayt, and the application of those principles by our scholars, we hope to address these issues in a meaningful and effective way that can benefit the Shiʿi community;

3) To create a community of contributors and readers, of scholars and laity who will come together and contemplate together on the tradition, and create new syntheses and possibilities of understanding the teachings of, and rekindling that love for, the Ahl al-Bayt.

Our name—inspired by the Night Journey (al-isrāʾ) wherein our Prophet (ṣ) drew in proximity to Allāh (swt) “until he was within two bows’ length or even nearer” (53:9)—refers to the Lote Tree of the furthest metaphysical boundary of the celestial heavens. al-Sidrah is a symbol of knowledge, the location at which Allāh revealed to his beloved Prophet special knowledge and understanding. Although narrations suggest that he is the only one who has traversed the journey to reach such an exalted state, it is hoped by his followers that they could glean inspiration from his divinely-revealed knowledge.

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Editorial Team

Sayyid Sulayman Hassan Reza Hemyari Azhar Sheraze
Chief Editor Editor Design
Trent Carl Haziq Sheikh Naveed Ganjani
Proofreader/Copyeditor Copyeditor Copyeditor


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If you are interested in contributing an article for any of the upcoming volumes, please email us a short description of your proposed article at editor@aiseminary.org. Al-Sidrah generally publishes articles that are requested of specific contributors, although other articles are also welcome. Any contribution is entirely comprised of views of the individual author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial team or the Ahl al-Bayt Islamic Seminary. Contributions should conform to the conventions of al-Sidrah Journal, available here.